Ordering tours

  • DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM Grand Choral Synagogue

    Tour around the synagogue during which you will visit the magnificent Main Sanctuary, the Small Synagogue, the Synagogue of Georgian Jews, the unique Wedding Hall beautifully decorated in a Moorish stile with the permanent Jewish exhibit inside. With books, artifacts, photographs, documents it covers the history of Jews in S.-Petersburg. Tour introduces the history of Jews in St.Petersburg, the local Jewish Community from the beginning till present days. Our professional guides are affiliated to the Grand Choral Synagogue and thus have access to all premises and points of interest of the building.

Duration approx.1 hour

Cost is USD 18 per person. For groups from 5 to 30 persons USD 50 for the whole group. For ordering please contact in advance. Early tours possible upon request.

  • Grand Choral SynagogueJewish Heritage tour of S.Petersburg. During the tour you will visit the major Jewish sites and buildings where former Jewish institutions have been located in the city, mansions of prominent Jews of the past, old district where the Jewish life has flourished in the 19th century. The climax of the Jewish Heritage tour is visit to the Grand Choral Synagogue, the second largest Jewish House of worship in Eastern Europe. Duration 4 hours approx. Our professional guides are affiliated to the Grand Choral Synagogue and thus have access to all premises and points of interest of the building.

Cost is USD 110 per person (minimum 2 persons). Pick up from your hotel lobby.

For groups 6 persons and larger the cost is USD 75 per person.

Tours are available in English and Hebrew.

Cruise ship passengers will require tour-ticket in order to disembark. We can provide tour ticket at additional cost.


Grand Choral Synagogue When ordering the tour 10% discount at the Lechaim restaurant.

How to order

Please contact us in advance at the following:
[email protected]
phone +7921.978.44.64

Opening hours

Individual visitors and guided tours can be accommodated during normal opening hours:

October - May daily 10.00 am - 5.00 pm
May - September daily 10.00 am – 6.00 pm

Saturdays and Jewish Festivals the synagogue is open from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm for religious service only.

Early tours possible upon request.

Because many other special services take place at the Synagogue, tour details are subject to change, sometimes unavoidably without notice. If you are making a special visit to the Synagogue, please contact beforehand and check opening times.

Please note that on Saturdays and Jewish holidays (Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Succoth, Simchat Torah, Pesach and Shavuot) it is forbidden to take videos or photos on the Synagogue premises.

Contact information

Phone +7 921.978.44.64
or by e-mail: [email protected]

26 March 2025 / 26 Adar 5785

Services: Shacharit 09:00 Minchah 19:15 Maariv 19:30

Weekly torah portion: Pekudei

Canlde lighting time: 28 March 19:15

Shabbat / Yom tov ends: 29 March 20:39


190121, Lermontovsky 2,
Saint Petersburg, Russia

+7 (812) 713-8186

[email protected]