The Grand Choral Synagogue of Saint-Petersburg is located at the following address:
Lermontovsky ave., 2

From «Nevsky prospect» metro station (and from anywhere on the Nevsky avenue) and «Admiralteyskaya»:

Bus service ## 3, 22, 27 northbound, alight at the Teatralnaya Square. Cross the canal towards Mariinsky Theatre–2 (the New Stage) on your left.

The Shul is located around the corner to the left from Decabristov str to Lermontovsky ave.

22 February 2025 / 24 Shevat 5785

Services: Shacharit 10:00 Minchah 17:50 Maariv 19:00

Weekly torah portion: Mishpatim

Shabbat / Yom tov ends: 22 February 19:11


190121, Lermontovsky 2,
Saint Petersburg, Russia

+7 (812) 713-8186

[email protected]