марк давидович грубаргMARK GRUBARG, CHAIRMAN

Mark Grubarg was elected as the Chairman of S.-Petersburg Jewish Religious Community in 1996. A graduate of Leningrad University Department of Physics, a PhD in Physics and Religion, Mark Grubarg has authored a number of articles on Jewish law and social aspects of Judaism. Mark Grubarg has become the Principal of the first opened S.-Petersburg Jewish secondary school in 1991.Since 2004 he became a board member of the European Union of Jewish communities.

26 March 2025 / 26 Adar 5785

Services: Shacharit 09:00 Minchah 19:15 Maariv 19:30

Weekly torah portion: Pekudei

Canlde lighting time: 28 March 19:15

Shabbat / Yom tov ends: 29 March 20:39


190121, Lermontovsky 2,
Saint Petersburg, Russia

+7 (812) 713-8186

[email protected]