We welcome visitors to the Synagogue by organized groups as well as individuals.

Contact us

phone  +7921.978.44.64
or by e-mail: [email protected]

sinagogue petersburgSt.-Petersburg Grand Choral Synagogue is one of the most beautiful Jewish houses of worship in the world. Each year it is visited by an increasing number of tourists. 


Individual visitors and guided tours can be accommodated during normal opening hours:

October - May   daily   10.00  am  -  5.00 pm
May - September daily 10.00 am – 6.00 pm

Saturdays and Jewish Festivals the synagogue is open from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm for religious service only.

Early tours possible upon request

Because many other special services take place at the Synagogue, tour details are subject to change, sometimes unavoidably without notice. If you are making a special visit to the Synagogue, please contact beforehand and check opening times.

A meeting with the community representative can be arranged as well please contact +7921.978.44.64
or by e-mail: [email protected]

26 March 2025 / 26 Adar 5785

Services: Shacharit 09:00 Minchah 19:15 Maariv 19:30

Weekly torah portion: Pekudei

Canlde lighting time: 28 March 19:15

Shabbat / Yom tov ends: 29 March 20:39


190121, Lermontovsky 2,
Saint Petersburg, Russia

+7 (812) 713-8186

[email protected]