Legal Data

Local Religious Organization "The St. Petersburg Jewish Religious Community at the Grand Choral Synagogue".

Legal Address: 190121 2 Lermontovsky Prospect, St. Petersburg, Russia

Actual Address: 190121 2 Lermontovsky Prospect, St. Petersburg, Russia

Ph: +7 (812) 713-8186

Email: [email protected]

Individual Tax Identification Number 7812013849

All legal actions of the organization are regulated by the statute.

Payment options

E-payments are wired via the Unified Payment System "Money Online".

Currently, we only accept credit cards.

All payments are facilitated via the Authorized Processing Center of the Bank. The following payment systems are now enabled:

- Visa Intl
- Master Card Worldwide.

Data transfer process

Prior to processing the payment, the system prompts you for your plastic card details. The personal data will be transfered in compliance with all applicable safety requirements. The information is only processed by the automated data server of the Bank and encoded within security protocol SSL 3.0. The data will be encrypted and only stored in the data server of the payment system of your choice.

Use the pop out web interface dialog to submit the cardholder's personal data: name as indicated on the card, number, expiry date, CVV2/CVC2 (three digit code engraved on the back of the card).

To make a payment

  1. Select the Payment System, type in sum you wish to be wired and press the Submit button.
  2. If you choose the Credit Card option, you will be prompted to provide your credit card details and submit the payment.
  3. You will be directed back to our website

Payment Safety

Wire transfers are facilitated by the Unified Payment System "Money Online".

"Money Online" is an internationally recognized payment System.

"Money Online" is certified according to the PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), version 2.0, which allows for over 6 million transactions annually. The certificate confirm the fact that the performance of the payment system is in line with the international standards of the payment card safety set by global systems, such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB и Discover.


Click here for the list of the refundable cases.

For refunds, call +7 (812) 713-8186 or email [email protected].

The refunds will be wired onto the card of the initial payment.

9 March 2025 / 9 Adar 5785

Services: Shacharit 09:00 Minchah 18:35 Maariv 18:50

Weekly torah portion: Ki Tisa

Fast of Esther 13 March. Purim 14 March


190121, Lermontovsky 2,
Saint Petersburg, Russia

+7 (812) 713-8186

[email protected]